HumHub Social Network Overview - Video


This is short overview of Humhub social networking software. Humhub is a new software built on top of Yii php framework. Humhub is still in beta and you should expect bugs and problems which is normal for beta testing software. Here some of the humhub functionalities. On humhub, two main objects are users and spaces. User have profile with wall with option to post message or image, add profile photo and add cover photo. Also user can add basic informations about himself. Spaces are similar to facebook groups and pages. User can join space and post message on space profile wall. If you install additional plagins, like tasks plugin, space member can post tasks. Currently Humhub only allow logged in users to access content on website and you cannot build public website. This should be fixed in one of the next versions. Additional functionalities can be added by installing plugins. You can install plugins directly from admin panel by accessing Humhub plugin marketplace.

Available plugins are:

  • Etherpad Notes - Notes etherpad online editor in spaces

  • Polls - Post pool in spaces

  • Tasks - Taskmanager for posting tasks in spaces

  • Mail - Private messaging system

  • Yii Gii - Integrates Yii Code Generator

  • Birthday Widget - Upcoming birthdays on dashboard

  • Calendar - Calendar for spaces and user profiles

  • Link List - Adds a link list to spaces or user profiles

  • SMS Gateway - sms sending

  • Custom Pages - Add custom pages

  • Report Content - For reporting spam or other types of abuse

  • Most Active Users Widget - Display most active users in widget