Elgg cron job
It is realy important to setup cron for your elgg based social network. Here is an example of elgg cron for Debian linux server.
# Location of WGET
# Location of your site (don't forget the trailing slash!)
# The crontab
* * * * * $WGET --spider ${ELGG}cron/minute/
*/5 * * * * $WGET --spider ${ELGG}cron/fiveminute/
15,30,45,59 * * * * --spider $WGET ${ELGG}cron/fifteenmin/
30,59 * * * * --spider $WGET ${ELGG}cron/halfhour/
@hourly $WGET --spider ${ELGG}cron/hourly/
@daily $WGET --spider ${ELGG}cron/daily/
@weekly $WGET --spider ${ELGG}cron/weekly/
@monthly $WGET --spider ${ELGG}cron/monthly/
@yearly $WGET --spider ${ELGG}cron/yearly/
@reboot $WGET --spider ${ELGG}cron/reboot/
This cron jobs are for Debian linux server, you can add it with crontab -e command. There may be diffrence in other linux distributions. Default behavor of wget is to download page so we have to insert --spider command for wget to just request page instead of downloading.